Empower your CUSTOMER with a
comprehensive shield

Empower your CUSTOMER with a comprehensive shield

safeguarding your customers’ digital
environment is our priority

End User
Protection Plan


Defense System

Robust Security
Against Evolving

help your customer Focus on growing their business while we fortify your defenses.


All-encompassing plan comprises four critical layers of protection:

Patching (OS and 3rd Party Applications)

Patching and security updates form the bedrock of a robust security strategy, serving as the first line of defense against cyber threats. These updates are more than just routine maintenance; they are critical reinforcements that fortify vulnerabilities within software, systems, and applications. The Flexis NOC team will regularly apply patches and security updates to shore up potential entry points exploited by cyber attackers. This proactive approach mitigates the risks of exploitation, data breaches, and system compromises, creating a more resilient and secure environment.

Email Security (Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace)

Email security second pillar in our robust security strategy, acting as a critical shield against a myriad of cyber threats. With email being a primary avenue for data breaches, ensuring its security is paramount. The Email Security layer monitors Microsoft 365 data from SharePoint Online, Exchange Online and Azure AD to analyze for possible abnormal behavior. Examples of events that are monitored include SharePoint admin changes, Outlook email access activity, Exchange and Admin configuration changes, Azure AD authentication activity and changes to Groups and roles. By safeguarding communication channels, organizations fortify their first line of defense, protecting sensitive information and thwarting potential breaches.

Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)

Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) is the final layer of defense and catches malicious attacks that slip through the other layers. EDR offers real-time threat visibility and response capabilities. As cyber threats evolve in sophistication and frequency, protecting endpoints becomes paramount. EDR SOC services provide continuous monitoring, detecting anomalous behavior, and swiftly responding to potential threats across devices. This proactive approach allows for rapid threat containment and mitigation, minimizing the impact of breaches or attacks. By fortifying endpoints, organizations strengthen their overall security posture, ensuring a resilient defense against the ever-changing threat landscape.

Download the Datasheet

Why Choose our services





A holistic approach
covering diverse threat

Stay ahead of threats
with our proactive
security measures.


Rapid Response


Peace of Mind

Swift detection and
response to potential
threats, minimizing

Rest assured with
layers of protection
guarding your digital


User Empowerment


Educate and empower
your team to become
the first line of defense.


Comprehensive Defense

A holistic approach covering
diverse threat vectors.

Proactive Measures

Stay ahead of threats with our proactive security measures.

Rapid Response

Swift detection and response to potential threats, minimizing impact.

Peace of Mind

Rest assured with layers of protection guarding your digital assets.

User Empowerment

Educate and empower your team to become the first line of defense.

Secure your customers’ businesses today with the Flexis End User Protection Plan.

Reach out to us to learn more and take the first step toward a safer digital environment.

Connect with our Security Professionals